I just read this post now (having been far too busy lately...) So relieved to hear Arya is back.

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Yes, he is. Been back for a week now.

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Thank goodness! Must have been stressful all around

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It was a difficult 50 hours. But Arya is back home and we are all relieved and happy.

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Sep 10Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

So happy to read in the comments your beloved Arya is home.

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Yes, thank you.

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So glad to hear that Arya has returned to his loving family!!

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We are so thankful for his safe return.

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I am sorry to hear that you lost your friend, Perry. But I am also equally sorry to hear that Arya, if he wants to be free, will have to contend with freedom in a climate much different than his own, without thousands of other cockatiels in the Australian bush.

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Thank you, Jason Fantastic news. We were able to reunite with Arya yesterday. He landed on someone's front yard after flying 3.3 km. My wife posted on social media (lost pets/birds) and thus it worked out. It was a rough 50 hours.

Yes, I agree. If Arya were in Australia, it would be a more ideal place to fly free. But now he is here with us among human companions.

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

Perry, I am so very sorry and very much hope that he returns to you.

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Fantastic News. Arya the Cockatiel is safely home. I just posted on Notes. Thanks everyone for your care and encouragement

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He might enjoy some freedom, but I'm sure he'll miss you and your bond, and may very well wish to come back if he can. I hope you put word out on social media, and the radio perhaps.

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We did put the word out. Thank you, Lindsay.🦜🕊🐦

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

I'm heartbroken to read of the flight of Arya. Perhaps, one can only hope, he's on his way to his true home.

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Thank you, Bonnie. Arya is searching for something or someone (a female mate). I hope that he finds her.

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To fly the coop calls attention to primal action. Perhaps pheromones wafted through the air and Arya sensed a female near by. Amorous creatures are those that seek comfort and company. Who can explain the why’s and X’s. And O’s. My daughter found a canary hopping under a car on a busy street. The bird came to her with trust. She now has a song in her ear and love for another.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Author

Yes, this might well be that Arya was seeking a mate. Chercher l’amour; cherchez la femme.

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I'm still praying... I'm sure you have his cage with food and water outside.

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Perry, I’m so sorry. I hope it will help a little to know that so many of us, however further afield, are keeping vigil to bring Arya home. I know how much he means to you and even though we can all appreciate his freedom in flight, I hope that his homing instinct will reunite him with you. There are so many times that you & Arya have helped to lift me up and I can’t thank you enough for your friendship. Thinking of both of you.

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Thank you Heidi for your kind words Arya has that special way of lifting up anyone's spirits. I miss him terribly.🐦🦜🕊

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We will continue to keep vigil here at Critters until Arya flies home to you, Perry. Thinking of you both.

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

I read this in bed and replied earlier by email so I hope you got that message. After thinking about it since, I wonder if placing a throw, rug, or article of clothing outside clearly visible from the air might help Arya identify home from the air. Any sort of familiar perch might attract him. As people may take birds to vets to see if they are microchipped, it would also be worthwhile contacting local vet offices and asking them to keep a lookout. As long as they have a photo and your number, even if he isn't microchipped, that would be all they need. Facebook has a couple of good groups for this. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1417424882448839 and https://www.facebook.com/groups/810945469037207. If you don't do Facebook, I will post for you if you can give me contact details.

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I do not have any social media other than Substack. But my wife has facebook and she posted on a number of groups related to lost birds and lost animals. I think that she posted on the two you linked.

Arya is not microchipped; never thought it would be necessary. Even so, I find the idea outside of my comfort zone. Too dystopian sci-fi for my taste.

I have already responded to your email. Thanks John for caring.

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I do hope that Arya retuns safely to you soon, Perry.

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Yes, thank you, Neil.

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

Oh I am so, so sorry Perry. I have tears in my eyes as I can imagine how distraught you must be. Let’s all hope he will know where his bread is buttered and make his way back, I shall keep everything crossed for you. Sending my very best wishes, keep us posted. X

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Thank you so much, Lindsey. 🕊🦜🐦

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So sorry to hear of this loss. I hope he can find his way back home to you. I too normally don't believe in captivity of birds, but I also took in a cockatiel for a couple of years. I get it. Let's just hope he's safe. So heartbreaking.

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Yes, I agree and thank you.

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

I really hope Arya comes back to you! But at the same time, part of me hopes that he enjoys his freedom. My parents bought me a budgie when I was a teenager (though as I left home soon after to go to college, it was a gift for themselves really). I had very mixed feelings about keeping a bird captive.

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Yes, precisely the way I feel now.

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Sep 8Liked by Perry J. Greenbaum

Perry, I am so heartbroken for you. 😢 But I can see yours is a true love for Arya, in that you are willing to let him go, if freedom is what he wants. Sometimes that is the hardest thing we will ever do in life. My prayer is for Arya's well-being. Let him make his home where he will be happiest and safest,andt perhaps that means he will return to you. Whatever happens, he will always remember you, of that you can be sure. Like you, I really do believe that birds need to be free, to fly and soar and glide, and look down on us lesser mortals that are forced to kick the ground. All animals, except those domesicated, need to be free. Which is why, no matter how much love and care we give Leo, our terrapin, my heart aches to see him restricted in a glass cage, when he should be free, basking and sliding into a pond somewhere in Mid-west USA or northern Mexico. 😔🙏 Sending you hope and comfort. ❤

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Thank you, Finding Grace. You understand my sentiments well. If Arya returns on his own, I will be more than glad to see him and welcome him home. I love Arya enough to respect his decision, even though I might not agree with it.

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